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Seniors in Canada 🚨 Beware of scams! 🚨 Recently fraudsters have been pretending to be the Canada Revenue Agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and Service Canada En to scam Canadians like you! They may call, email, or text, asking for personal information or money. 🔎 If something feels off, trust your instincts! Report scams to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre 👉 https://antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/index-eng.htm ✅ Stay informed! For reliable pension and retirement information, always visit https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/campaigns/seniors.html?utm_campaign=not-applicable&utm_medium=vanity-url&utm_source=canada-ca_seniors Share this post with your friends!

Seniors in Canada 🚨 Beware of scams! 🚨 Recently fraudsters have been pretending to be the Canada Revenue Agency, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and Service Canada En to scam Canadians like you! They may call, email, or text, asking for personal information or money. 🔎 If something feels off, trust your instincts! Report scams […]

Rotarians are gathering new teddy bears, stuffies, squishies to donate to the Charlotte County Hospital for children who end up in the hospital. Anyone wishing to help out by donating new items can do so by leaving them at Carman’s Diner in St. Stephen, where Rotary meets on Monday Feb. 10 or contacting a Rotarian.

Rotarians are gathering new teddy bears, stuffies, squishies to donate to the Charlotte County Hospital for children who end up in the hospital. Anyone wishing to help out by donating new items can do so by leaving them at Carman’s Diner in St. Stephen, where Rotary meets on Monday Feb. 10 or contacting a Rotarian.

Paint Class

The Town of Saint Andrews Parks and Recreation Department is teaming up with Sunbury Shores! Exciting news for adults 55 and better! 🎨 As an extension of the Seniors Activities at the Community Youth Activity Centre, the Town of Saint Andrews Parks & Recreation Department is teaming up with Sunbury Shores for an exciting new […]

The Legacy Project

THE LEGACY PROJECT The Charlotte County Seniors Resource Centre launched a pilot project last year called The Legacy Project. The vision behind this intergenerational project was to connect a high school student with a senior in the community to create a meaningful legacy book documenting the senior’s life.Through the use of technology, storytelling, and shared memories, [...]
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